How does it work? What does it cost? Why is it a good idea?

  • I’m a writer, and my focus is on writing. I will ask you about your college list and nudge you regarding deadlines, but the work we do together is all about what you put on the page.

  • That includes your personal statement (the main essay required for the Common App), any supplemental essays, and any application writing you may need outside of the Common App (for example, University of California’s personal insight questions).

  • My fee is $200/hour. I keep a timesheet in quarter-hour increments. To give you some idea of total cost, I generally spend 7-10 hours with each student over a period of months, though each student’s needs are different. A $400 deposit at the time of registration holds a spot. If my rate presents a financial hardship or if you have a set budget, please let me know. I do not like to turn students away.

  • I will email invoices to parents at logical points in the process (ex: after early decision essays are ready to go). Payment can be made via check, Venmo @ Beth-Saidel, or PayPal: @ Beth Saidel

  • We start with several brainstorming exercises that tend to uncover fascinating material. The best essay topic is often not the most obvious one, and I have a way of helping you connect the dots. Once you have your topic, I’ll guide you through the drafting process and all the way to the finished product.

  • Start dates can vary, depending on Summer 2025 schedules, but I prefer to wait until junior year is over. Spending too much time on this project can be as problematic as spending too little. We will figure out a schedule that is best for you.

  • Zoom meetings work very well (I can engage with students anywhere in the world), and I plan to continue to meet via Zoom. I can also accommodate in-person meetings, if you have a strong preference.

  • We will work on drafts using Google docs, but the writing is all yours. I simply offer plenty of guidance, a reality check on what might need improvement, and a slew of suggestions on word choice, tone, flow, structure, etc. I will push you.

  • Please remember that there are as many opinions as there are editors. I encourage you to trust yourself in making final decisions about your writing.

  • I understand that this process is stressful, but I have lots of experience and am here to help. My goal is to encourage you to find your voice, be the best writer you can be, GET INTO COLLEGE, and even have some fun along the way.